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Professional cleaning: Why we use greener and safer products.
I have been in the cleaning trade for over 21 years. First, working for a small independent company and then working for a large well known carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise for over 12 years where I became manager of the Nottingham and Derby branch. When I decided to form my own company, I needed to review the cleaning processes and the chemicals used. I felt I no longer wanted to use the potentially harmful chemicals used in the cleaning industry on a day to day basis, so I began to look for alternatives. First of all, I cut down on the amount of petroleum based products I used and altered the way I cleaned many soft furnishings. I then began to source and test naturally derived cleaning solutions and solutions made from food grade materials. First, I was sceptical about the effectiveness of these greener/safer cleaning agents probably because I have always used chemical based products and have been happy with the results obtained. I started to test micro splitters and natural colloidal cleaning products for our carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning services. Microsplitters are derived from food industry by-products. They work by splitting the bond between fibres and the soiling particles at a molecular level allowing the dirt to be removed easily from the fibres, these work particularly well on natural fibres like wool and cotton. Based on food-grade ingredientsNatural colloidal cleaning solutions
Derived from natural sustainable sources, these work by breaking down stains and soiling at a molecular level, holding the dirt particles in a water based suspension. The soiling is then flushed away with high power cleaning equipment leaving carpets and upholstery fresh and clean without leaving harmful chemical residues, particularly affective on manmade fibres like Nylon, polypropylene and acrylic.We are constantly reviewing the products we use and try to make sure they adhere to criteria below.